Guria has a network of international friends, including Guria UK, who volunteer to support Guria in India through raising awareness and funds. This is extremely important to Guria. Some highlights of events are given below.
If you have ideas for fundraising or events we want to hear from you! Contact:
There have been many other brillitant events including those organised by Princeton University students such as the recent event with Indian dance and music along with a speech from Guria Director, Ajeet Singh, who was able to visit New York through support of the Freedom Fund.
in addition there was a performance at the Cambridge 'Heart of the World' music festival by Aashish Khan and an Indo Jazz concert held at the Nehru Centre (Indian embassy) London. Other fundraisers have included a Chai and Samosa sale at Smith College, Massachusetts, as well as Christmas fairs and jewlery sales.
This is all thanks to Guria's friends including Maria Stahl, Laurent Goldstein, Azza Cohen, Aashish Khan, Yousuf Ali Khan and Brian Millington.

A concert was held with Sarod maestro Aashish Khan at the Bharatiya Vida Bhavan in Kensington, London, which was attended by over 200 people. It received coverage in a number of newspapers and Zee TV, and raised £3,205 for Guria! See more here
Nine brave cyclists completed an epic London to Cambridge bike ride completing the journey in two groups in 6.5 and 11.5 hours. Cyclists travelled at least 56 miles, with one going a little further at 62 miles! We raised over £3,200. See the video here

A concert of traditional dance and music from the four regions of India was held in Cambridge to celebrate Holi in collaboration with a local charity called 'Sakhya: Friends of India.' The venue was full and 120 people learnt about Guria!